Doctor Pilan Anku
I started HePlaaling Code Health and Wellness Clinic in PORTLAND, OREGON in 2018. My reason for doing so was to be a solution to my community’s ongoing health obstacles,to be an alternative to the genocide at hand. I’m a “black” biologist! What this means is my medical association understands the BIOLOGICAL diversity the indigenous people have, the special foods they should eat, and why they should eat them and stay away from the American standard diet. It’s polluted with a substance in it that indigenous people are allergic to. NITROGEN! My journey into the world of nutrition began with a deep fascination for the profound impact that food choices can have on our overall well-being. I’ve made it my mission to simplify the science of nutrition and translate it into practical, everyday advice that anyone can follow. I am also a Kemetic Yoga instructor and reiki practicioner. My mission is to get whole body cures to our people,not just body cures.
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